Wednesday, September 20, 2006

That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles

Well my friends a just found out that Havana Man had a little running in his plans to take over the world.

Apparently his partners may have found out (a little too late) the kind of person he really is and have put a halt at their business relationship. May be my blog had something to do with it? Not. Who knows? From three (3) stores- two in Ybor City and one in St. Petersburg - he is now back to one, and although it is not clear what transpired, the rhetoric I am hearing from Ybor usual suspects is that his previous partners could not work out their differences on how to grow the business,and that he was unreliable and went their separate ways. Others are speculating that there was money stolen or that he was found selling drugs and other stolen merchandise from its place and they did not want anything to do with that. I side with the last couple of options.

I don't want to say I told you so. But it was bound to happen with a character like Lazaro. I also heard, he has con some other 'business partner' to open I guess his second store (again) by 22nd & 7th Ave, in Ybor City for about $30,000 and trying to get a Line of Credit of $100,000. Whoever you are... prepare for impact. History repeats itself. Did I say deja vu or may be "modus operandi" sounds better.

Javier Rodriguez (Lazaro) is a criminal, no doubt about it. Like all predators, he is in a continual search for his prey, and allures them with his charisma and his grand business vision of surpassing Arturo Fuente. Unable to follow through, since like they say: the devil is in the details, his Havana Dreams empire crumbles and struggles. However, he has a recipe for these little eventualities. To go out and find a New Mark (new business partner) to run the same con game over again.

He is all but empty promises, telling you what you want to hear. If you are giving money or using your credit or buying anything he is telling you - WAKE UP and realize you are his Mark. His Victim. Run as far away as you can. I don't want to tell you: 'I told you so". And that my friends is the way this cookie has crumbled.

Excerpt from Battle for the Planet
Brain (Laz): Pinky, are you pondering, what I am pondering?
Pinky: Wuh, I think so Brain, but if we didn't have ears we'd look like weasels.

If you are entering into a business relationship: do your due diligence. Understand what you are getting involved with and who. Get the Facts: Ask for a balance sheet, Income and Expense statements certified by a CPA. Get a copy of the current business plan. Run a background check on your future partners. Consult with your Lawyer. If anything does not add up, walk away from the deal. It will save you from a lot of headaches in the future.

One last note: I saw his new website...why will you want to call yourself "Laz" -- I think Havana Man is better. Or just Brain for short. And what is up with that 'Latin Flavor' business card in sort of pink. Was it pink y's idea? Who cares, but it's funny business.

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