Sunday, May 14, 2006

Another Day in Ybor City

I was talking to someone today who mentioned they have been able to get Cuban Cigars from Lazaro...Oh my! Again, Do you really think that he goes to Cuba and gets real Cuban Cigars? I don't think so. Maybe he has connections? It raises interesting issues. Could it be counterfeit? He does know enough to be dangerous to himself and those purchasing contraband. For all those around him... careful... careful. You could be dealing with something greater than you think. The FBI has been monitoring and arresting those involved in counterfeit cigars and the big companies like Altadis are been proactive and hired private investigators to help them prosecute those diluting their brands and defrauding their customers. I also heard his name came up in a raid that occurred in December 2005 in Miami. If you do not have an idea of what this means, just read the recent article in the Miami Herald on 4/24/06:
Miami Herald

For those two that commented on my blog, well let's say, I have not written anything that it is not true. However, there is no need for me to confront him or to tell it to his face. I really think he already knows these. In addition, it is public knowledge in Ybor City anyhow. Maybe he does not want to acknowledge this fact, but his reputation and that of his company is horrible. If you attend the Ybor Chamber or visit any other businesses in the area and you do enough research you will be able to substantiate every single post I have made on this blog. Also, his arrest records are public, as well as, his conviction.

By the way, my name is really Pablo, and I have nothing to hide or proof. I am just reporting things as I hear them. I do think, elements like Mr. Rodriguez, need to be exposed before they do more harm to others. I also take good measures not to divulge my sources or the names of others involved in this tale. Why? The reason is that I believe most of them are victims. Victims who were defrauded, or who have been around him for so long they can not differentiate right from wrong (like cult followers), and/or have become co-dependent on him. Others, are just thieves and criminals. My hope and prayer, if they ever get to read this, is that they get enough inspiration to stand up for what they know is the right thing to do and to leave and live a productive life. No one should have to take the abuses he lashes to his workers, associates and girlfriends. There is life beyond Lazaro Rodriguez, and it just takes enough "character" to say the buck stops here!

I won't comment on your grammar. Shall we say... Not enough schooling? Ooops, I could not help it. If you are that close, be safe my friends.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I was just in Tampa about two weeks ago. I can't believe I'm reading all this. I was just online looking for the cigars I bought in Ybor so I could order some. This is going to seem really crazy, but I was in that cigar store below the resturaunt and I overheard a conversation between one of the owners (I think) and someone from the state attorney's office in florida! They were asking questions about (I guess) a lot of tobacco that was bought from somewhere in town by this guy lazaro that you are blogging about. Apparently, and this is just what I gathered from what I heard (I could be way off base) the feds think there were not nearly enough cigars made from the amount of leaves (I guess) that were bought by this guy and the tobacco had run out. They were trying to tie him to this counterfeiting stuff and saying that they thought that's where the "missing leaves" went to. I gotta tell you, this guy lazaro seems like BIG trouble and definitely a con artist. I have to say though, you people blogging back and forth seem like you may be involved in the shop somehow and I just want to say, I will never buy any cigars from there again. What you people are doing with this blog will definitely ruin the havana cigar store name and your business. Still, I'm interested not so I am going to pull up this lazaro's rap sheet for more entertainment. good luck pablo

Anonymous said...

Right you are buddy! I was in that store down by the bank last week and those guys are up to no good! That guy Lazaro is a crook! I wouldn't be surprised if he's still running cocaine out of that place and paying the cops to leave him alone. They all seem buddy buddy with him, if you know what I mean. They should deport that guy.

Anonymous said...

you know pablo those other comments where from me Olga (lazaro's Fiance) and truthfully i really don't appreciate you talking shit about him! What Lazaro does with his life is his business. and the mistakes he has made in his life are no different from the mistakes everyone else makes. including you. so you are no one to put him out or lie about his life. and the fact that he has been in jail does not make him a bad person. you make him seem like he is the devil, messing with people's head to get what he wants. and that is no way true. like i said people make mistakes! another thing i don't appreciate is how you use the word " girlfriends" have some respect, and don't involve anyone else. I believe the only reason you created this blog was because maybe your just a little jealous don't you think? I mean what person goes out of there way just to make someone look bad? to me?...... a jealous one! F.Y.I> everything lazaro does for his business is legal... and his cigar shop is known for the best cigars around!! you and i know that too! don't we pablo. so in conclusion.... i would like to ask you for 2 favors. 1) take lazaro's picture off this website and 2) please stop anymore shit talking! if not.... i will personally find out who you are and sue you for defamation of character! ok thank you very much "pablo"

Anonymous said...

Is this about the cigar guy with the hummer?? Who's his fiance? Is that the pretty girl I always see him with that had the baby two or three months ago? She seems really nice. Pablo, you should leave her alone.

Anonymous said...

lazaro fiance is a skinny girl that had a baby about 2 to 3 weeks ago. the other girl is just a friend of the company.......

Anonymous said...

I'm really confused. Is the girl that JUST had the baby the one who's mother was sleeping with the Lazaro guy when they met. And is that the same girl who he signed as guardian for her to get an abortion when she was 14? Or is that the other really pretty one that had the baby 3 months ago? I think the other one that had his baby just before the stick looking girl is older. Not really old, but you know, old enough to have leagally been pregnant from this guy. Hey Pablo, you may need to add PEDOPHILE to this guys list of transgressions. This is like a soap opera with mentally handicapped actors! Keep up the good work Pablo! We are all reading AND talking. Concensus among the cigar community here in Tampa is that we would ALL love to walk down 7th avenue and NOT see a store that is owned by this scoundrel. I guess Miami didn't want him and Vegas wants him REALLY bad, if you know what I mean? Call Castro, maybe we can do a reverse Mariel Boat lift and ship this idiot back for some decent human beings.

Anonymous said...

oh one more thing..... lazaro and i know who is really writing aall of this and we also know that it's the same person and his close friends writing the little comments! ok so i'd try a better technique. and by the way none of this shit talking is ruining his buisness!